Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Does burdock help with hair loss?

I see products being sold to help with hair loss where the "active ingredient" is burdock extract. Is there any study showing the effectiveness of burdock extract to prevent hair loss or promote hair growth compared to placebo?

The only information I found about this is from Wikipedia:

Burdock root oil extract, also called Bur oil, is popular in Europe as a scalp treatment applied to improve hair strength, shine and body, help reverse scalp conditions, and combat hair loss. It is used as a natural hair oil to help get rid of scalp itching and dandruff, promote healing of skin and scalp conditions. Modern studies indicate that Burdock root oil extract is rich in phytosterols and essential fatty acids (including rare long chain EFAs), the nutrients required to maintain healthy scalp and promote natural hair growth. Regular use of Burdock oil helps restore and maintain healthy scalp and hair.



Does burdock help with hair loss?

I do not believe in any of that crap:male enhancers,dic k growing pills,stop hair loss.

It is in your genes whether you will loose your hair or not.

The rest is not even proved yet.

If all these bogus products would really help,the industry would jump right in.Billions to be made

You just fool yourself.


Let the FDA first prove it works:then I WILL BELIEVE IT:NOT A DAY SOONER.

Does burdock help with hair loss?

The only true method of disguising hair loss is to start wearing hats.

Does burdock help with hair loss?

Why compare the efficacy of essential fatty acids and phytosterols to a "placebo"? It is biochemically proven that the body needs those things.

Toxic pharmaceutical drugs are tested against a placebo because it needs to be shown that it is worth poisoning someone as a form of treatment versus something non toxic.

Before the 1980s, new drugs were tested against the best known existing treatment. According to the former editor of the New England Journal of Medicine, and author of the book "the Truth About the Drug Companies" this practice was stopped not because of improved science but rather because new drugs are not more effective but they cost more due to the Patent protection they receive. might work for some and not for others. At least it's non-toxic.

Does burdock help with hair loss?

actually, the exact cause for natural hair loss is still unknown. Most research shows that it is often hereditary. There are still natural things you can do to try to regrow hair. Some people use massage, certain oils, supplements, etc. I have not yet heard of burdock. It sounds promising but much research is still to be done. If you want more info, remedies and treatments for hair loss, visit the site below.

Does burdock help with hair loss?

Burdock root extract can help be helpful in some cases along with other herbs. The most helpful remedy though is to avoid chemical/commercial shampoos and use natural hair shampoos. Refer to the following website for some great information about natural hair care:

Does burdock help with hair loss?

Try home remedies at

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