Saturday, November 28, 2009

If hair is dead then why does it need vitamins? Is it just another scam by the cosmetics industry?

I mean, I understand how hair is kept 閳ユ窏ealthy閳?because of the oils that are naturally produced by the body and if you don閳ユ獩 produce enough it would be good for your hair to give it hydrating oils and creams that would smooth the cuticle layers to keep it from fraying and frizzing but does giving it 閳ユ钒itamins閳?really do it any good?

How can a 閳ユ窉ead閳?cell use nutrients?

When you apply hydrating creams to your skin you are both hydrating the LIVE cells and helping remove the dead ones so I understand vitamins in Body Lotions but for hair? It doesn閳ユ獩 make any sense to me.

Any thoughts on this?

If hair is dead then why does it need vitamins? Is it just another scam by the cosmetics industry?

The same could be said for leather.... it's dead cow hide. However, leather treatments also tend to have natural oils and some vitamins (like vitamin E) to help it last longer, retain more moisture, and be more resistant to elemental damage.

Vitamins and other nutrients don't have to be for the health of only living organisms.... they help a lot more things, even those that are dead.

Hair is simply thin strands of cells that can get damaged from time, sun, wind, and all sorts of other things that damage cells (whether living or dead). The cells can still get benefits from certain nutrients, even if they aren't alive to use them to grow or reproduce (which is basically what living cells use them for).

There are also some creams/shampoos that have nutrients in them not for the health of your hair, but for the health of your scalp. Biotin, Vitamin A, and Vitamin E are a few of those common nutrients for the health of your scalp and the hair follicles (which are alive) that grow hair.

If hair is dead then why does it need vitamins? Is it just another scam by the cosmetics industry?

it's the skin that produces the hair, also known as the scalp, that uses the nutrients to produce stronger hair.

If hair is dead then why does it need vitamins? Is it just another scam by the cosmetics industry?

Well I think not. The 1st thing you would have to do is cut the dead hair off,an then start to use the vitamins. I guess

If hair is dead then why does it need vitamins? Is it just another scam by the cosmetics industry?

Actually, the ROOT part of the follicle is still alive - so these need to be nourished in order to encourage strong growth, etc. ;););)

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