Friday, November 27, 2009

My hair is at a stand still?

My hair is pretty healthy, i get it trimmed every like 3 months, but it seems to have stopped growing, My hair usually grows pretty fast so i was wodering if there was any tricks to get it to grow agian??

My hair is at a stand still?

Hi, Im a student in the field of cosmetology,

Nothing can really make your hair grow longer. Ive looked. But there are things you can do to help it.

One thing is that if you straighten or use irons on your hair, like myself, deep condition your hair ALOT! I do it two to three times a week! Even if you dont have a deep conditioner you can use regular conditioner on your hair for an hour or more, this also works nicely. My hair became really strong after this.

Vitamins help too! Take a multivitamin and a vitamin B-complex.

Do not color your hair alot! It weakens your hair causing it to snap off. If you do need to though, dont forget to condition, condition, condition!!! Dont forget bleaching! That is one of the worste things you could do!!

Cutting your hair doesnt make it grow faster!!! All that does is remove the split ends.

Massage your scalp regularly, this helps with growth!! It helps circulate blood flow in the scalp, with premotes hair growth.

Hope this information was helpful :)

My hair is at a stand still?

I have an answer for you about how to strighten out yer hair. If you get another perm solution and put it in yer hair and just plain comb will take the curly perm out...I did that to mine when I didn't like a perm that I had....It works good. Report It

My hair is at a stand still?

Try prenatal vitamins. They help your hair and nails.

My hair is at a stand still?

The hair grows in cycles and now may just be a slow time for you also, if you have excess stress that can cause a slow down on your hair. You need to eat well and get enough sleep that helps alot also. : )

My hair is at a stand still?

I've heard scalp massage works.

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